Is it too early to mention Christmas?

Christmas came early to Dolphins class this week, as we spent Wednesday afternoon creating our pop Christmas video.  The finished piece will be posted on the school website on the 2nd of December.  The children had a fantastic time and are excited to see the final version.

Instructions have been our focus in English this week playing close attention to imperative verbs and time connectives.  The children followed instructions carefully to make a jam sandwich (which some enjoyed eating) and then showed some excellent learning by writing them up correctly the next day.  Next week we will be making bread and writing instructions for someone else to follow.

We have looked at 3D shapes in Maths, discussing similarities and the shapes of the faces each shape has. 

For phonics, we have focused on different graphemes that make the same sound (ee, ey, ea e-e).  The children have loved playing which grapheme is it???