Traditional Tales - Goldilocks and The Three Bears

The topic for the first half of the Spring term was Traditional Tales. Our second tale was 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.



We listened to and watched some versions of the story to get more familiar with the order of events and some of the phrases in the story. The Antelopes enjoyed acting out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in our role-play and small world areas. We had big, medium and small sized bears. chairs, bowls, beds.......and matching plates, cups and spoons!

We found lots of things to make in construction this week, inspired by the story.

We made a variety of furniture for the bears, including a new chair for baby bear!

After making chairs from construction materials, we made chairs from junk modelling materials. We used food packaging boxes, cardboard, masking tape and old gluestick lids to make the legs!



We also made the bears' table with some bowls of porridge and chairs to sit on.

After we had made a Sticklebrick table for the bears we tested them out to see if they were strong enough to hold the bowl and spoon we had made from playdough.


We thought it would be a good idea to make some traps to catch naughty Goldilocks!

We thought we should make some stairs as well, so that Goldilocks could get upstairs to test the bears' beds. We arranged wooden bricks starting with a small block and found larger blocks or stacked them up the make the staircase.

We also decided to make a comfy bed for the bears to sleep in. We made a base from Numicon, added a foam block for a mattress, then topped it with soft covers and tucked in a toy bear. Night night! These beds look just right!


For arts and crafts this week the Antelopes made some beautiful paintings of The Three Bears' cottage and even added some bright spring flowers to their garden!

We also painted paper plates and added collage to create a Goldilocks face and one with a Bear face. We taped on a stick and stuck the plates together to make a double-sided mask of the characters!

Lastly, the Antelopes made some Goldilocks and the Three Bears puppets by cutting out a character and using split pins to join on their arms and legs! It was a tricky job using split pins and a new skill for us to learn, but we loved the way the split pins allowed the arms and legs of the puppet to move.


We had some special porridge-themed jobs for our Goldilocks and the Three Bears topic. We tested a bowl of porridge with our choice of toppings and wrote about what we thought of it!

We explored the capacity of different containers by putting different amounts of dry porridge oats into them. We thought that the 'empty' container showed what Baby Bear's porridge bowl looked like after Goldilocks had eaten it all up!


In science we explored some objects by feeling them to see if they were hard or soft, then sorted them into the hard tray or put them onto the soft cushion.


We enjoyed some creative activities on green table this week. We used lots of resources, including playdough, wooden pieces, and natural materials to make some bear and goldilocks faces! When we were finished we took our own photographs too!


For maths this week we sorted objects from the story (bears, bowls, chairs and beds) into 'big', 'medium' and 'small', and measured the bears using Unifix cubes. We played a magic bowls game where we had counted out 6, 7 or 8 bears into each bowl. We watched carefully as an adult mixed up the bowls and tried to find the one with 7 bears! We also practised counting to 10 when we counted out 10 bears and made a playdough bowl for each of them. We sorted towers of Unifix cubes into order from 1 to 10 to make a staircase for Goldilocks to climb. As we move her up the stairs we counted up to 10, and as she came back down we counted back from 10 to zero.