Bath Bomb Magic

It has been a brilliant week for writing, creating and art to produce magical bath bombs.

What a super week. I am so proud of how hard the Dolphins class have worked - they have shown huge amounts of resilience and determination.

We started the week with designing a bath bomb so that we could write instructions for this process and make our own to take home (plus an extra one to test at school)

These photos from Tuesday show the children following instructions to make their very own bath bomb. They had to do careful measuring of the bicarbonate soda, citric acid and salt. We added food colouring and nice smell oils - the classroom smelt beautiful!

We then let the bath bombs dry out for a few days before testing them and creating some colourful packaging. In the meantime, we did bubble art to create pages and labels for the bath bomb:

The testing was the most exciting as all the bath bombs fizzed and bubbled when added to water. They had worked!

The children were very excited to try out their bath bombs when they got home (I hope your baths survived the food colouring!) The children worked really hard to write instructions for how to make a bath bomb. They revised the features of instruction writing, learnt how to write an introduction with questions and thought hard about time connectives they could use. Here are the instructions for how to make these wonderful creations in case you fancy making another over the long weekend:

Well done Dolphins - very impressive work this week.