Never eat soggy waffles

An afternoon in the copse

Geography is the foundation focus for the next few weeks, and we started our sequence of lessons with an exciting and engaging lesson on compass points in the copse. The children enjoyed travelling to different locations around the world from the United Kingdom using our compasses. We also made a compass from a leaf, a magnet, and water to help us find North. To remember the 4 compass points, we came up with Never Eat Shredded Wheat and Never Eat Soggy Waffles. The next geography lessons the children had lots of fun creating a dinosaur park map, creating symbols and a key. Most children decided their park should have an ice cream shop and a park. 

In English after hearing some fantastic dinosaur poems the children used some amazing adjectives to create their own. We discussed the different parts of the dinosaur and collected lots of fantastic adjectives. The children were challenged to use the conjunction and: Huge, pointy teeth and a long neck. 

In Maths we have continued with place value and comparing numbers using the vocab greater than, less than, smallest, fewer, more. The children were very confident using the symbols to show which number was the greater than or less than. On Friday we started to look at counting up in 2s looking at the patterns on the 100 square and even and odd numbers.  

In PSHE we talked with Jigsaw Jem about rights and responsibilities, we created a list for our class taken from the children’s ideas.  

Phonics sounds ee, oa, ar and the long and short sound oo.