Super Duper You!

A fabulous week before half term

What a great finish to our first term in Dolphins. All the children have completed a fantastic super insect adventure story based on the classic Super worm. We had ladybirds with super vision, Spiders with powerful webs and beautiful butterflies with Super speed. We had nasty, old wasps as villains and dirty jails with toxic waste. I was so proud all how all the children remember the story and used the pictures to help them with their writing. The best 6 were displayed on the Star Work wall as great examples of what hard work looks like. 

Maths we have been getting to grips with adding. After using partition to split whole numbers, we have moved onto looking at parts to make the whole. The children have really understood the concept of commutative and that the equals sign can sometimes be at the beginning of a number sentence (7 = 5 + 2). We practise our number bonds each week and use songs to help us remember. 

It has been a creative 2 weeks with Art and DT. We had a fantastic discussion about Picasso and the children were very confident to share their opinions on the Cubist artist. The children then went on to create their own self portrait masterpiece out of clay. DT after a very exciting taste test the children decided on their ingredients for a healthy smoothie, using their recipe cards they created the smoothie, tasted, and evaluated. For some the texture was too lumpy and others they weren’t keen on the taste.  

For History we introduced the children to timelines, and everyone created one to show different births of their family. Younger siblings were closer to 2023 while Grandparents were towards 1960. We continued with timelines to investigate Sarah Fobes Bonetta for Black History Month. In groups the class discussed the different events of her incredible life and plotted them in chronological order. We then used maps to plot Sarah’s route from Nigeria to England, where she became Queen Victoria’s God daughter. then back to Sierra Leonne.