the seven wonders of the world

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We have had a great end to our first spring term with lots of fantastic work being created in Dolphin's class. We had so much fun deciding on the amazing locations for an expedition. After a discussion about Lego land the children went on to decide where they would like to go. We had Great Barrier Reef, Victoria Falls, Mount Everest and Kalahari desert to name a few. The children were brilliant at using their imaginations as we travelled over boiling lava, avoided snowballs and tried to keep dry next an enormous waterfall. The children completed a fantastic recount including adverbs for time, conjunctions, commas and exciting vocabulary. 

The creativity continued with paintings inspired by Mondrian. The children got to grips quickly when using a ruler to create linear lines and had lots of fun testing out thieir brush techniques with primary colours. After experimenting the children then produced their own piece of abstract art. 

There has been a positive increase in cooperative learning in class as the children worked together in PSHE to complete tasks. After setting the class a goal to achieve the children had to rely on each other to discuss, create and finish a variety of tasks. They found that listening to each other and taking on board each other's ideas was a great step towards success.  

Maths we continued to practise number bonds to 10 then relate them to number bonds to 20. We discovered related facts using the commutative and inverse finding 8 facts about one number bond. We looked at finding the missing parts in number sentences and used number lines to find the difference.  

In the last week we had a special visitor from Jimmy's farm to talk about their new resident. The children were so invested in finding out about Ewa the polar bear and came up with some brilliant questions to ask. We then used all the facts they had found to write sentences with apostrophe for possession about Ewa.