Baking at Beckers!

Mrs Ward had fun this week baking bread with the elephants!

For DT last week the children  looked at where foods come from and what being healthy meant. This tied in with them baking bread on Monday. They had to read and follow instructions. Later this week they  had to write their own set of instructions thinking about what they learnt last week in literacy about time connectives and imperative verbs.

In maths we have been adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. Looking at different methods to work out the calculations. They then had to choose whichever methods they preferred.

Lots of fun in foundation subject this week....We all love art! We learnt about Christopher Wren ...He was an architect who rebuilt St Pauls Cathedral after the Fire of London. In particular, we looked at the stained-glass windows in St Pauls cathedral. We then focussed on collage, what it was, how it was done and then had a go at creating our own stained-glass windows. You can see some of them in the windows looking lovely.

You can see them hard at work below...



Last week I mentioned that we were entering a climate change challenge between local schools. Here is our entry below. The display was created using newspaper and magazines. Magazines were used to collage the Earth, newspaper was used to make the hands and the border, the lettering came form newspapers and magazines as well.

We recorded our class Christmas song on Thursday. The children are singing and signing to' Silent night'. Keep an eye out for us when you watch the Christmas songs that will be uploaded in the lead up to Christmas.