Raiders of the Dark Ages

Viking Day

Today, we had a Viking day! We completed a carousel of activities and visited each Year ¾ teacher.

In Hippos, we tasted Viking food: porridge with honey, berries, soup, and some delicious rye bread. We were unsure on the soup, but the porridge and bread went down a storm. We learnt that the Vikings would hunt and gather food. They would salt or smoke the meat to preserve it. We were surprised to find out that some of the meat they ate was slightly unusual and even included beaver and fox!

In Flamingos' classroom, with Miss Edwards, we made a Viking Longship out of all your milk bottle donations. (Thank you.) We learnt all about the oars and decorated our ship with small shields ready to take into battle.

With Mrs Barefield, we played physical games based on raiding treasure – the Vikings like to do this a lot.