From a Tiny Seed

This week we continued to explore the journey of The Tiny Seed. 

At the beginning of the week, we worked in groups to write captions for illustrations from the book. These are displayed on a wall in class, and they help us to retell The Tiny Seed journey.

Finally, we have observed some changes in our bean jars and have recorded these in our bean diaries. We are also monitoring the progress of our sunflower seeds and it is so lovely to see the children sharing their pots with you at the beginning and end of the school day.  We have also written some simple instructions to plant sunflower seeds. 

On our green practical table, we observed real fruit to discover their seeds. The Bears are enjoying the opportunities to plant, care and observe their seeds, fruits, flowers and beans. 

In our book corner, we have explored the books to find the vocabulary we used to label a flowering plant - roots, leaf, stem, petal and flower. The children loved this activity and were excellent plant vocabulary detectives.

In maths, we continued to develop our visualising skills by looking carefully at the arrangements of dots, and using our perceptual subitising skills to see how many without counting. We have investigated equal groups and have explored doubling quantities with numbers of fingers, dice patterns, mirrors, butterflies, and dominoes.

In the creative area, we have printed tulips with forks, and we are recreating the front cover of The Tiny Seed. This artwork isn't quite ready to be shared with you yet, as the work has been series of steps, and we have one or two steps to go. We have found it really beneficial for the children to learn that art is sometimes a process. Our blossom trees were created in the same way. 

We love a transient art activity in Bears, and this week we worked in groups to create a flower bed with the 2D shapes. 

Next week our story of the week is The Enormous Turnip.