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  • 10/06/24

    Walking Tour of Braintree

    A busy start to the summer term.
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  • 17/05/24

    Art Day

    Flamingos had a busy day creating a summer-themed tableau out of clay.
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  • 02/05/24

    A Fabulous Start

    Flamingos have had a great start to the summer term.
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  • 25/03/24


    Flamingos had a brilliant day in Maldon exploring the estuary, playing and eating chips and icecream!
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  • 07/03/24


    Flamingos have had a great time celebrating World Book Day, I loved seeing all their brilliant costumes.
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  • 29/02/24


    This afternoon we had a visit from Safety Seymour to learn all about carbon monoxide and its dangers.
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  • 13/02/24


    This half term in our music lessons we have been learning to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the glockenspiel.
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  • 30/01/24

    Litter lETTERS

    Flamingos have been looking at the impact of litter on our local area.
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  • 08/12/23

    Art Day

    Flamingos had a great day creating Viking longship collages.
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  • 16/11/23

    Viking Day

    Flamingos have had a brilliant day taking part in Viking-themed activities.
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  • 31/10/23

    Art and DT

    Flamingos had two exciting days of Art and DT before half-term.
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  • 15/09/23

    A fantastic start

    Flamingos have settled brilliantly into year 3 and are working hard.
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