extra extra!

Over the last few weeks, children have been writing newspaper reports about the declaration of World War II.

We time travelled back to the 3rd September 1939 and listened to Neville Chamberlain's announcement come through the radio. We spoke about how we would feel and then completed a 'hot seating' activity where the children took on different roles and interviewed each other to build a bank of quotes for the newspaper. We learnt how to use relative clauses; subordinate clauses; fronted adverbials; punctuate direct and indirect speech; and write with a clear shift in formality. We even had time to fit in a picture! 

In maths, we have been learning about coordinates, translation and reflection. Our year 6s have been preparing for the upcoming SATs too. 

Next week, we will begin writing an essay about the impact of World War 2. So far, the children have been enthusiastic about this topic, so I am looking forward to reading all their essays.