Week 4

We have made it through another week! Well done to everyone, I know that home learning is not an ideal situation, but once again we are so appreciative of all the effort and support all the parents are putting in and all the effort the children are showing at such a difficult time.
This week we have been planning and writing non-chronological reports about things that interest the children and we will then be moving on to write one about our topic 'Ancient Egypt'. It has been so interesting seeing such a variety of topics chosen for their reports, we have had: banger racing, football teams, pets, ballet, gymnastics and many many more. Well done!
I have been particularly impressed by the resilience shown during maths this week. For most of the week, we have been looking at percentages, which is not always an easy topic to grasp, but the children have taken this in their stride and produced excellent work. Next week we are moving onto algebra, this is something all children seem to dread; however, from previous experience, once they remove this stigma then the children seem to enjoy it and flourish in this area.
Well done to our two 'Stars of the week' this week: Summer and Jack, for incredible effort since the beginning of lockdown.
Mr Butler