Up The Beanstalk

This term our topic is, "Come Outside".
We started off by looking at the story "Jasper's Beanstalk", by Nick Butterworth.
We have planted our own beans, just like Jasper! Now we have to be patient and wait for them to start growing. We started our beans off in damp cotton wool and made little greenhouses by covering the tops of our jars with cling film. We won't have to dig up our beans to see if they are growing, like Japser did in the story, because we will be able to see the roots growing through the glass!
We have been doing lots of creative things around the story of Jasper, and also of Jack and the Beanstalk. First we painted our own beanstalks, and then cut out photos of ourselves pretending to climb up, and glued these onto our beanstalks, so it looked just like we were climbing up giant beanstalks!
We also made a class beanstalk using leaves we had all made.........
Next we thought about what we would like to see at the top of our beanstalks, and we painted and wrote about our ideas. Can you guess what these ideas are?
A giant's house!
A park!
And what about this one.........it's a trampoline and a pool of pink bubbles!
We compared the heights of beanstalks and also estimated and measured using Unifix cubes. Some of us were very good at estimating how tall the beanstalks were! We recorded our estimates and measurements on a chart, writing our numbers neatly.
We also had fun making beanstalks from Cheerios and laminated leaves,
and from Mega Blocks. We made our models as tall as we could.
We hope our beanstalks will be this tall very soon!