Our Class Beanstalk has Grown...
but not much is happening in our bean jars. Maybe like Jasper, we need to wait until one day something changes. Let's hope it isn't a long, long, long time later!
We have been very busy on our writing table this week. We finished our instructional writing for planting beans, and we started writing our bean diaries.
We also finished our story of Jasper's Beanstalk by sequencing the story in groups, and writing a mini diary of what Jasper did on each day of the week. We have been practising writing our capital letters in our handwriting sessions, and we needed these for the start of each sentence, Jasper's name and the days of the week.
In phonics, we are working on reading and writing the high frequency words. My apologies if you have been driven made by the tricky word song.
In maths, our teaching and activity focus was comparison. The children were encouraged to focus on ordinality (to know where numbers come in the number sequence and their relationship to each other). We used the language 'more than', 'less than', and 'equal to' to describe the relationships between the numbers.
In the practical area of our classroom, we used sieves to find seeds in the soil, built beanstalks with leaves and cheerios, and explored different types of beans. The Bears cut or snapped the beans to look inside the bean pods, and almost all of the children were brave enough to taste them.
On our creative yellow table, we have learnt that stamping leaves can be messy. We gave this a go independently but we didn't recognise any leaves on our paper. So we tried a second time and we discovered that if you use a brush to put the paint onto the stamp, then when you stamp it, you are left with a beautiful leaf with all the wonderful lines and details.
At the end of the week, we painted pictures of what we would like to find at the top of the beanstalk. These were still drying on Friday afternoon, so we will share them next week with a speech bubble to describe them.
Next week, our planting adventure continues with The Tiny Seed story.