All About Me
Welcome to Beckers Green Primary School and our Bears class blog.
Our new Bears are quickly learning their new daily routines and building friendships. We are so pleased to see them settling into school brilliantly.
Our half-term topic as we get to know our Bears, is called All About Me. Our first artwork was to draw and paint self-portraits, using mirrors to consider our own features and help us to reflect the colours and shapes in our portraits.
Our phonics teaching has begun with phase 2 sounds (phonemes) s, a, t and p. We are finding some interesting mark making ways to practise the phonemes and the letters (graphemes) that represent them. On Friday, we popped a sounds keyring into the children's bags to help them practise their sounds at home. We would appreciate your support with this.
The Bears have also explored mark making patterns with sensory trays and paint bags.
On our maths table, we have sorted and ordered a variety of objects by size and colour. We have considered what is the same, and what is different, and we have tried to explain this. We also introduced Number Ninja sessions, investigating numbers zero and 1.
On our practical green table, we have created faces using various materials. The Bears loved the transient art activities using the natural materials such as conkers, shells, stones and wood slices. We also made faces with playdough, beads and shapes.
Remember to take a look at Tapestry for more photos and updates.