My Home
Our story of the week A Squash and a Squeeze, is written by Julia Donaldson. The Bears enjoyed listening to the story and were able to join in with the repetitive phrases in the book. We retold this story on our smallworld and with our construction resources we built new homes for the animals in the story. That should keep them out of the house!
This week, our focus for learning and experiences was my home, and we found many ways of creating homes. On our yellow creative table, we created patchwork houses, flats and trailers, with cardboard, pens, paint and collage materials. We also made houses by choosing and sticking coloured shapes onto paper.
On our green practical table, we used lolly sticks, playdough and shapes to build homes.
In maths this week, we have engaged with activities that draw our attention to the purpose of counting - to find out 'how many' there are. We have sung counting songs and counted physical objects, objects in pictures and things we cannot see like sounds. We are developing important 1:1 correspondence, by counting numbers at the same time as moving or pointing and touching the objects.
In phonics, we learnt the new sounds d, g, o and c. To practise the letter formation for our new sounds, we made a dotty d with stickers, a glittery g in a green wig, o in orange sand, and a colourful c with crayons wearing a crown.
We have also practised lots with our blending picture cards this week. Mrs Jones lays out the cards, picks one (she's sneaky, we don't know which one), then she sounds out each individual sound (segmenting) and we listen really hard to recognise the sounds to join them together (blending). For example; j-a-m and we say jam and point to the picture.
We have also drawn and written cards to our family this week, this is perfect practise for name writing.
Next week, our All About Me focus is My Body, as we explore the story of Funnybones.