Let's Celebrate - Fireworks
Our topic for the second part of this autumn term is Let's Celebrate, and our theme this week - fireworks. Our role play area was transformed into a firework and bonfire scene, with pretend sparklers, cups of hot chocolate, smore's, marshmallows to toast and hats, gloves and scarves to keep us warm. We decorated biscuits to eat while we watched a firework display, and we drew firework shapes and patterns in pen disco, as we listened to the Royal Fireworks music by Handel.
In phonics, we revisited sounds p, d, g, h and b before we start the new sounds in phase 3 next week. We used the phonics we have learnt in phase 2 to build CVC words on firework themed mats. We made different marks and patterns in glitter and copied patterns in chalk. We also started our handwriting booklets to help us improve our letter formation.
We explored everything 4 in maths - counting forwards and backwards, spotting 4 around the classroom, formation activities with lolly sticks, arranging 4 in patterns, sorting representations of 4 and not 4, and making 4 with the maths resources.
In the creative and practical areas, we used bright and shiny collage materials, coloured chalks, and scented playdough with beads to create explosive firework scenes. The Bears are now beginning to think about their designs and are manipulating the materials to create them. We printed fireworks onto black paper, then cut and added spectators, and used a salad spinner to make spin and splatter art to represent fireworks bursting into the night sky.
The Bears listened to the story Mouse Paint, and discovered what happens when three white mice splash, dance and mix the colours red, blue and yellow. We explored colour mixing with ice and made predictions using coloured pens.
We visited the ICT suite together for the first time, and painted fireworks using a paint programme.
It was a busy Friday as we welcomed visitors to school for Career's Day. We were introduced to Gemma the sniffer dog, as her handler described how they work together to search and rescue. We also had a visit from a veterinary nurse who talked about her job nursing a range of animals at the vets. The Bears had an opportunity to ask questions. It would be fair to say that our questioning skills need a bit of work.
We were so pleased to finally have a bright and sunny afternoon on Friday to create our autumn art together. We had such a wonderful rich variety of colours and shapes in our autumn treasure hunt bags - thank you! We were thrilled with the outcome.
Next week, more celebrations with Diwali and Remembrance.