Traditional Tales - Little Red Riding Hood
The Big Bad Wolf is back in our last traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood. Our role-play became Granny's cottage as we took on the character roles of Little Red Riding Hood, Granny, the Wolf and the Woodcutter. On small world we retold the traditional tale using a forest scene, Granny's cottage and the story characters and props.
On the writing table we labelled pictures of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. The sneaky Wolf needed to be caught to ensure no more young girls were tricked, and no more grannies gobbled up. We tried to include some adjectives to help us write a description of the Big Bad Wolf in a wanted poster - grey fur, sharp claws and pointy teeth. Fortunately Granny was saved, the Wolf was caught, and he felt sorry, so we wrote apology letters from the Wolf to Granny.
In maths, we have consolidated our understanding of the composition of numbers, as we deepen our understanding of a whole being made up of smaller parts. We have explored different combinations by making towers of 2 different colours of Unifix cubes. We can recognise that numbers can be made by combining parts in different ways and a key focus has been partitioning (splitting a number into pairs) and thinking about the missing part. For our final week before the Easter break, maths was all about the number 10. Counting to and from 10, spotting 10, making 10, arranging 10, sorting representations into 10 and not 10 and writing 10.
On the creative table we have explored drawing what we see through observational drawings of a basket of fruit and flowers in a vase. We were encouraged to notice details like colours, shapes and patterns. We tried independently with pencils at first, then moved onto drawing with a pencil, then adding colour with pastels. Outside we painted bright yellow daffodils on our painting mirror. Let's hope our paintings encourage the sunshine.
To help us retell the Little Red Riding Hood story, we created shoebox dioramas with paint and collage, and kitchen tube characters of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. We added some of our natural resources to play and act out the story with our friends on the carpet. By Friday afternoon, several Red Riding Hood's were hoodless and needed redressing, but the children had loved it! I hope your little Bear can put on a Little Red Riding Hood show for you at home.
More cooking, this time we chopped and threaded fruit to make a healthy fruit kebab. The Bears are really embracing the 'give it a try' ethos we have in class and some are discovering foods they didn't think they liked.
In our RE lessons, we have discussed and sequenced the events of Jesus last week on Earth and have learnt that Easter is the most important event in the Christian calendar. The children explored images of Easter, created colourful crosses, made playdough hot cross buns and acted out the events of each day. We thought about how we might learn from the Easter story to help others today and the children were challenged to do something kind or helpful for someone else. We also designed and created an Easter garden with some significant objects.
The Bears loved their chick pop-up Easter cards they crafted but were even more super excited when they spotted their chocolate treat inside their Easter bags they had woven.
We wish you all a wonderful Easter break and will see you back in school on Monday the 17th April.