Let's Celebrate Christmas

In the countdown to Christmas, our Christmas classroom experiences were based around the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman, written by Allan and Janet Ahlberg. On small world we retold the story of the Christmas postman as he delivered greetings to the fairy-tale characters. In role play, we opened a Christmas Post Office, with money, weighing scales, a till, parcels and lots of stationery. We loved playing and exploring this area of our classroom.
Prompted by a reminder from Father Christmas, we created Christmas wish lists, then wrote letters to Father Christmas. We addressed envelopes and posted them in our class postbox. A kind Christmas postman collected our letters and delivered them to Father Christmas. We even designed and created Christmas stamps.
In construction, we used bricks to build post boxes. We had to design and create an enclosed box with a slot that would keep letters safe and dry. We also helped the Jolly Christmas Postman to deliver his letters by building different vehicles for the snowy weather. A peddle bike isn't great in the snow!
We were very busy creating lots of top-secret crafts for us to take home for Christmas - printed tissue paper wrapping, Christmas jars, snowflake decorations, reindeer food and more.
We sang and acted to rehearse our nativity for performances for the school and parents. We all felt very proud of our little actors. Meanwhile, in RE, we learnt why Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas. We talked about how the birth of Jesus is known as the nativity and is an important event for Christians. We looked at images of the nativity, played and explored our classroom nativity scene and talked about advent traditions. We even made our own hand printed wreath.
Finally, it was time for our Christmas party. We danced and played traditional games, and even had a special visitor to our classroom. As we listened to The Polar Express story, we heard sleigh bells, so we quickly ran outside to investigate. We could hear the bells, but we did not see Santa. When we returned to the classroom, we were met by snowy footprints and a pile of presents. We must have been on the good list!