Amazing artists

A busy week in the Crocodiles class with a focus on art and continuing our observational drawings. 

The Crocodiles have been working so hard this week in class and wow have we learnt lots!

Some fantastic stories in our English lessons this week, alongside using exclamation marks in our writing too

Working hard in maths, we have continued our work on arrays, then onto doubling and making equal groups by sharing.

In our PSHE lessons, we discussed touch and holding hands, we spoke about different ways of saying hello:

Our foundation subject has been art this week. We recapped our knowledge and learning on Elizabeth Blackwell and discussed the observational drawings of plants and flowers we completed before. We took this to another level this week and used coloured pencils to complete our observational drawings and then evaluated our art work by discussing what we liked and what we would change next time.

I'm sure they will sleep well tonight!

Enjoy your weekend.