Artists AND Mathematicians

Dolphins continued to impress me last week, especially in their very tricky maths...
Last week in maths, we extended our understanding of subtraction. The children started by subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number, but where the ones that they were subtracting were more than the number they were taking away from, for example 32 - 5. They learnt about exchanging and how to draw representations to help them. They then moved onto subtracting 2 digit number from other 2 digit numbers, for example 45 - 23. Since their place value knowledge is so good, they whizzed through this learning and Mr Butler, who was watching. was most impressed! In the latter part of the week, we moved onto more questions involving exchanges, for example 73 - 16. We did a lot of work using dienes to help the children visualise what they needed to do. They were incredible - showing resilience, perseverance and positivity.
In art, we have continued our artist study of Gillian Ayres. The children recreated their own versions of her artwork using bold and bright colours.
These turned out superbly and will be displayed on the wall soon.
We carried on with our use of watercolours today and experimented with bleeding the colours together to make a beautiful potion bottle.
The children have really enjoyed these past few weeks of art and have worked really hard to develop their painting skills which has included colour mixing and brush strokes.
I've had lots more homework handed in recently. Here are some of the brilliant season wheels and Harry's timeline of his life. Well done for all this great work and I look forward to more super homework.
Lastly, we have a robin nesting in the shed outside the classroom (hence why there is black tape across the door). I tidied the shed a few weeks ago and the robin then spent the whole weekend bringing masses of leaves in for its nest. You can see in the photo below that she's chosen a box and has filled it with leaves.