A wonderful final week which included book themed activities for World Book Day
This was our final week of remote learning and I'm really impressed with the children who have continued to show interest and motivation for the work set. The standard of work uploaded has been superb.
The children have spent the week writing a travel brochure for the island where the Wild Things live. They created detailed maps then used their knowledge from our Paddington topic to write a travel brochure. These were wonderfully descriptive.
More maps were created in Geography this week where the children drew a map of their bedrooms and even included a key:
What a superb amount of effort went into decorating potatoes for World Book Day on Thursday:
Well done if you took part - I'll be sending some photos off to the newspaper so keep your eyes peeled for your potato starring in the Gazette!
We're really looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.