Sunflower Success!!
This week we have had assessment week and the children have worked so hard on their maths and reading papers doing a great job. They worked so hard they deserved cake!!
We have been thinking about maps this week and recapping some of the bits that we did in lock down. We looked at Google Maps and Google Earth to see if we could find a few of the children's houses and then the children had a go at drawing their own map of their walk to school. They even had a go at devising a key for their maps. Take a look at them hard at work.... Great job!
We did some more work on pollination and bees and how important they are. I have sent home a bee spotter sheet ...perhaps the children could have a go at bee spotting to see if they can spot different types in the garden or when you are out and about... 5 hive points for each sheet bought back in.
The sunflowers finally grew, so all children should have had one sent home. You should also have received a little note about our competition. The task is to take care of their plant as best they can and when it is big enough plant it outside in either a bigger pot or in the ground in a nice sunny position. Measure the sunflower in the last week that we are together as a class (W/C 12/06/21) Email me ( or send in pictures with the measurement, and we will see who has managed to grow the tallest one! By Thursday 15th July. Prize for the tallest. Only a few weeks to go!