weighing it all up!
Busy , busy , busy once again!
This week in maths we have been looking at measuring mass. The children have been busy weighing things around the classroom and investigating things that are heavier and lighter and reading a set of scales in kg. Look how much fun they had!
On the literacy side of things we have had a bit of a SPAG week (spelling, punctuation and grammar). Had a bit of a revision and practice of lots of the things we have covered this year. All in preparation for the next 2 weeks when they will write their own story about a bug.
We love a bit of art in the Elephants class and this week we have been looking at Eric Carle's artwork. He is the author and illustrator of 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and many other children's books. He uses collage to create his artwork. We explored collage by using different types of paper to collage over outlines of bugs to create pictures to put on our display. Look at what a fantastic job they all did!
The next stage of our art exploration was to create our own colour washes using water colour paint and plain paper that we would later use to collage our own pictures.
Finally, we sketched our own insects and then used the colour washed paper to cut out shapes (like Eric Carle does) to then create our bug pictures.
Amazing job guys!!