Bugs, bugs and more bugs!!

Do the elephants ever stop? The answer is NO!!! busy busy busy!!
Another super week this week with more fun in the copse and by the pond.
The children spent Monday morning out in the copse kick-starting the maths lessons on capacity and volume. So much fun had!
The children getting up close and personal with some pond life and creepy crawlies...
There was even time to do some natural art....making insects out of leaves/twigs/stones.
The aim of the pond and copse was also to look for bugs and creatures to inspire them in their own story writing at the end of this week...and it did inspire them all! The stories are brilliant! Great imaginations and some super writing skills!
Following on from our art lessons last week when we looked at collage, this week we did an artist study on Henri Matisse. Matisse is well known for using paper collage to create vibrant, bright pictures. We certainly have some talented little artists in the elephants class.