Finding out about the past...

Our last week before half-term and once again a very productive week.
This week the children wrote their own stories and WOW!! They all did such a good job! The focus of the writing was to include expanded noun phrases as well as the basics... capital letter, finger space and full stop.
They had such good ideas!
In maths, we focussed on subtracting a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number. This took quite a bit of practice but by the end of the week they were all over it! Well done Elephants.
Our foundation subject focus this week was history. We looked at timelines and what they are and talked about where we fit onto the timeline. The children created a very simple family tree and shared the pictures, information and timelines sent in from home.
It is black history month this month and so as a whole school we have looked at Mary Seacole who was a British/Jamaican nurse who nursed soldiers during the Crimean war. She received many medals as acknowledgement for what she did and so the children had a go at designing a medal for her.
It was great to speak to so many of you for parents evening. Thank you.
We hope you all have a great half term.
Don't forget Monday 1st November is a non pupil day.