Sensational story writing!
Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!
The children have been planning and writing their own stories about a penguin this week. On Monday and Tuesday they focused on verbs and adverbs and then have had to try to use these in their story writing. They have had some fantastic ideas. Take a look below to see some examples of their hard work!
In Maths we have been focussing on 2, 5, 10 times tables. The children have been good with their tables. We go into the ICT suite every Friday morning to do Rockstars followed by the times test. If they can log in at home and practice then this will really help them.
Here they are this morning hard at work practising their tables!
Geography this week has focussed on the differences between the Arctic and the Desert. We have watched short information clips to compare the two places and then mind mapped the information. The children then wrote a post card from one of them...their choice which one.
So good to see so many children reading at home. We have a few children who are nearing the top of Rosie the reading caterpillar...once at the top they receive a book as their prize and they then begin all over again.
Week 2 of 6 finished already! Where does the time go?!
Have a great weekend!