Come fly with me......

Welcome back to a new half term!
Our topic this half-term, 'Come fly with me' has a history focus '
We kick-started the week off by looking at the history of flight. How we have moved from hot air balloons to planes to spacecraft. We talked about and plotted key events onto a timeline. We have also found out about the Wright brothers who invented and flew the first aeroplane and also the famous moon landing.
The children had fun making their own paper helicopters and aeroplanes.
In literacy, we have researched the Montgolfier brothers who are remembered for inventing the first hot air balloon. We looked at features of biographies and then wrote our own biography about them.
It's been all about shape in maths. Starting with properties of 2D shapes and then moving onto vertical lines of symmetry. We will continue with shape next week.
Star of the week is Harry for just being brilliant. His reading is superb, and he is working so hard to read regularly and move up the caterpillar.
We have challenged the children to see if they can read one and a half million words collectively by Easter. So far as a class they have read just over one million since September. Now they are all on Accelerated reader every book they read and quiz on goes towards the word count. It is still important that they read the book carefully though as any failed quizzes do not count. They are all super excited to get there! Big prizes if we succeed!!!
All children will have bought home a sponsor form and a QR code for the sponsored read. A ping should have been sent home explaining. Basically the sponsor form is to collect sponsors to take part and the QR code logs what/how long they are reading. It should make sense once the QR code is scanned. Any questions please give us a shout!!