WORLD BOOK DAY....(and other stuff!)

What another busy week!!
World book day on Thursday and it was great to see everyone dressed up. The children were high as kites as you can imagine, but we all had a fabulous day!
Don't they all look gorgeous!!
During the literary lesson we split into three groups and some children went to Miss Hatchman, some to Mrs Perry and some stayed in Elephants (much to their disappointment!!) Each teacher read a different Julia Donaldson book and then did an activity linked to that.
Here are some photos of those that stayed with me... 'What the ladybird heard' ladybird craft!
In the afternoon we went to share books with Hippo class. What a treat! It was great to see the older children reading to and listening to the younger ones!
Literacy this week has been researching the 'Wright brothers' and then writing a biography about them.
In maths we have continued with our work on shape...moving onto 3D shapes.
Foundation subject focus has remained as history, looking at how planes and rockets have changed over time and their importance and the role they play in our lives.
We also touched briefly on geography recapping capital cities, maps and aerial photos.
Our star of the week is Ruby for always having an excellent attitude to all she does. Tries hard and can always be relied upon to be sensible. A great role model!!