Fact Families!!!!

Another very busy week here in the Elephants class......
In maths this week we have been looking at fact families. How we can use 3 numbers to make 4 calculations.
For example: Take these three numbers 11, 5, 6. We put them in a triangle. We can then make 2 subtraction calculations and 2 addition calculations. See if the children can explain it to you and show how we use the triangle to help us.
By the end of next week the children will be writing a letter from Mary Anning. This week we have looked at simple sentences and reminding them to use a capital letter, finger space and full stop. We have also looked at different sentence types. Statements, commands, questions and exclamations. If you can reinforce this at home then that would help when we come to write our letters next week.
We have continued with geography and looking at features of a coast and how a coast is different to a town. Recapping human and physical features.
A little bit early ....but the children have also created their Christmas card design which will be sent off to print. Watch this space as very soon you will be receiving information on how to order Christmas cards designed by your child, All profits go to Beckers Green School Association.
Enjoy Monday off school!!