Go Wild!!!

Welcome back to the second half of our spring term.
Our topic this half term is 'Go Wild!'
It is a geography topic and we have started by looking at the Amazon rainforest. We have found out where rainforests are located around the world, the importance of the rainforests, animals and plants that live there, the climate of a rainforest and how and why rainforests are in danger.....deforestation.
Ask the children and see what they can tell you...!!
In literacy we are looking at the story 'Where the wild things are' and are building up to writing a diary entry from Max the main character. Hoping to use conjunctions and adverbs and noun phrases.
It's been all about measuring in maths. Shorter and longer and looking at cm and comparing to meters.
Home work was sent out via ping over the half term so please have a look. Dojo points are awarded for all homework sent in.
Keep reading at home as often as you can and if children can log into TT rockstars from home then this will really help support them moving along in their times tables. We already have some children working on their 5x tables as well as 2x and 10x.
Thank you for your ongoing support!