Welcome back!

We have already been back for three weeks. Where has that gone?!
This half term our topic is 'Super me'.
We have completed our science which has been all about being healthy and what happens as we get older. We also touched on the seasons and weather.
This week and next our foundation focus is geography. The children have already looked at maps and atlases and plotted their own rout to school using symbols.
For the past few weeks we have been recount writing in literacy. We wrote about our summer holidays and then about a superhero who visited our school and then finally about the super hero day. The focus has been on basic sentence structure as well as focussing on features of a recount such as time connectives, chronological order and chunking writing into paragraphs. We have had some fantastic recounts!
In maths we began the term by looking at tens and ones and partitioning numbers into tens and ones. This week we have been looking at comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to.
The children have all settled back in really well. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any questions or problems.
Here are just a few photos of the children hard at work....