Play time!

Welcome back! Our topic this half term is Play Time - all about the Victorians!
A busy start to the half term, learning all about Queen Victoria and her reign during the Victorian Era. We learnt when she became queen, at the age of 18 and married Prince Albert. When he died, she was so sad, she only wore black clothes - the children spent a long time discussing this and were very mature.
We used different sources to learn about the history of toys - the children could not believe how old some toys were and that older people had Lego to play with too! Why don't you share some of the toys you played with when you were younger with your child, and see if they can discuss any similarities and differences. Today we learnt about old and new toys and decided they had changed due to materials, being safer, technology, and the colour and appearance.
In maths we started our topic of money, looking at pounds and pence, coins and notes and using them to make amounts in Miss Hatchman's toy shop!
In computing, we started our Digital Photography topic;
In our english lessons this week, we began by looking at a non chron report, noticing and commenting on features. We moved on to grammar lessons, based on singular and plural nouns, expanded noun phrases and subordinating conjunctions - because, if, that and when. We worked in groups to research toys ahead of next week when we plan, write and evaluate our non chron reports on toys.