Art and DT

Flamingos had two exciting days of Art and DT before half-term.
To begin our art day we studied artwork by Georgia O'keeffe. We used this as inspiration to create our own flowers in a similar style. During the day, the children appraised the artwork, discussing their likes and dislikes. They then experimented using different painting techniques before designing and painting their own flowers. They produced some excellent paintings during the day.
The following week, the children had a day of design and technology where they designed a bookmark and learnt to sew using cross stitch. This is a tricky skill to learn from threading the needle to completing the stitch without getting the thread in a tangle!
The children were extremely patient throughout the day while they waited for adult support. They also showed great resilience and kept trying no matter how difficult they found it. It was a lovely end to a very successful first half-term in year 3.
On their return to school yesterday we learnt all about Katherine Johnson, a brilliant mathematician and scientist, to celebrate Black History Month. The children produced some excellent writing about her life and were understanding of the struggles she faced during her lifetime.