Latest News

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  • 18/06/24

    KS1 Mutli skills festival

    Key stage 1 children were invited to the Multi skills festival held by SCS.
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  • 23/04/24

    Abbeyfields art project

    A wonderful morning at Abbeyfields
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  • 15/03/24

    Baloo the ex police dog

    A very welcome visitor
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  • 20/12/23

    Santa Claus has visited

    Santa Claus visited our school yesterday
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  • 09/11/23

    Pupil Parliament

    The results are in.....
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  • 16/10/23

    Care home visit

    A wonderful morning at the care home 
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  • 02/03/23

    world book day

    A lovely day
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  • 28/02/23

    Care home Visit and surprise readers in Key Stage 1

    Quick update on recent activity in school
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  • 28/11/22

    Reading at Beckers

    Book advent calendar 
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  • 15/11/22

    Remembrance Service

    Service at Braintree Public garden
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  • 19/10/22

    Black History month

    Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman
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  • 09/09/22

    In memory of Queen Elizabeth II

    Our special assembly
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