


Writing is absolutely central to teaching and learning at Beckers Green. Our children are provided with every opportunity, as well as the necessary means, to produce high-quality writing for a range of purposes.  Our aim is to develop writers who are as fluent as they are satisfied at having produced outcomes of the highest standard. 

We expect our children to:

  • develop a fluent, confident and effective writing style expressed through a range of text types
  • develop an enjoyment of the English language through being able to write for a given purpose in a structured, organised as well as imaginative way
  • develop the discipline of systematically planning, drafting, amending, improving and evaluating each writing project
  • make explicit connections between oracy and literacy
  • consolidate developing knowledge of vocabulary and grammar through the application of them in writing
  • draw lasting satisfaction from having their writing published and displayed across the school

The aim is always that pupils will leave our school as confident and formidable communicators in both the spoken and written word.


Throughout the school the Text Builder model is used to clearly define the progression of skills.  Throughout the school day children engage in an enriching variety of activities designed to develop, consolidate and extend their literacy skills.  These include:

  • daily phonics session in EYFS and KS1
  • grammar taught as an integral and complimentary component of writing process itself
  • spelling taught on a building block basis, graduating from phonemes and graphemes to root words, prefix, suffix, word families and etymology
  • regular rehearsal of themes in writing projects through discussion, debate and drama
  • a high quality set text which is analysed in detail in reading skills lessons and sometimes used as the basis for the written responses in English lessons
  • the I do, we do, you do approach - using high quality modelling to support the development of children's writing
  • stamina build through time allotted to proof-reading and amending, as well as further planned rewrites before publishing
  • detailed self evaluation opportunities are used to consolidate learning and celebrate good progress